
Nutty News


Every Monday morning a new edition of Nutty News keeps you up to date with goings-on at Squirrel's Running Group.

Come along to party and celebrate your achievements or, if you aren't submitting standards this year, the achievements of your fellow Squirrels.

Quiz Night


Update: Thanks to Sarah Anderson and everyone involved in the organisation of the event and thank you for all the prize donations. Also thank you to all everyone who came to the quiz and/or bought raffle tickets. Finally thank you to Rebecca Austin for the quiches & sausage rolls to add to the buffet. Over £400 was raised for the...

Those who have been lucky enough to travel with Squirrel's to Benidorm the past few years, will know what an absolutely fantastic time we have. We are now pleased to confirm that this year's trip away will be to Glasgow!

This year we had a scurry of squirrels take on Manchester marathon & London marathon raising over £16,000 for various charities.

Thank you to everyone who baked and to everyone who came and ate cake (and took cake home) at the Easter Bake off tonight!

Track sessions


We are now offering a monthly track session which will fall on the same night as intervals. We will still offer intervals in Broughton for anyone that can't attend, although we encourage people to come to the track sessions though as they are a lot of fun.

A number of people have asked me for help with coming up for a plan for marathon training. There are lots of different plans online, and different ways you can get to the same end result. But there's also some terrible plans online I've seen which would probably just result in injury If you're doing your own thing, that's absolutely...

It's time to renew membership. Every member needs to be registered with England Athletics (EA) which costs £17. This is paid by the club, to England Athletics from the £50 membership fee.