
Depending on pace group, the distance you will run on a paced session ranges from 4 to 7 miles which is roughly 6 to 11 kilometres. The various routes below are rough examples of what you might find yourself running on a Monday or Wednesday with Squirrels.

Cottage Holt Dunton 

Can be ran in either direction, the "correct way" is often debated.

Ashby-Magna Dunton 

Looks a bit like the Little Dipper constellation.

Graveltrack Out-and-back 

See if you can get all the way to the crossing before turning back roughly 30 mins into the run.

Around Broughton 

A classic winter route with lots of small variations to adjust the distance, making it suitable for a range of pace groups. For a challenge, run up to the top of Speedwell and back, instead of the Aldi estate.

Leire Dunton 

Croft via Cottage lane, return via fields 

A great run in the summer (would be too muddy over the fields in the winter). If you are lucky you might see Julie Hill's horse.

Frolesworth Ashby Leire 

Be warned, it is hilly.

Leire via Stemborough

Croft via Sutton in Elms OOB 

Take care crossing the main road.